Why We Preach

We preach because "Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Problem Children

Scriptures:  2 Samuel 13:30-33, 37-39; 2 Samuel 18:4-17, 33

This week we are wrapping up our series “Insights for Living from the Life of David.” These later years of David’s life, that deal primarily with his home life, are troubling stories – to say the least. Last week, we heard about how David broke almost every single commandment with one incident of lust. Adultery, deceit, murder… that’s how it all came down for David and his affair with Bathsheba.

This week – we are hearing how the repercussions of those actions are being played out in David’s family life. God declared that because of David’s actions, the sword would never leave his family. It would constantly be caught up in turmoil and strife. His sons would learn from their father how to handle situations in life.

The lasting repercussions of David’s sin impacted not just him – but his entire family. In particular, his children.

One of the instances we are told of is so horrific, I don’t know how any parent would react. David, from his tryst with Bathsheba, taught his son’s that if you want a woman – you just take her. His son Amnon learned that behavior just a little too well.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Characteristics of True Friendship

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Last time I looked, I had 390 “friends” on Facebook (give or take depending on the day). As popular as you may think that makes me... in the world of Facebook, it's not very many when I see the thousand plus friends many of my other friends have on their Facebook pages. But I think the term “friend” has taken on new meaning in our age of social media. A “friend” is more of an acquaintance now. Someone you just kind of know. In some cases - it's even someone you've never met.

So these "social" friends are not what I would consider true friendships. It seems that fewer people than ever actually have life-long intimate friends any more.

Statistics tell us that most people are lucky if they have one “close friend” in their lifetime. And given the fact that Americans are moving from place to place more now than ever before it becomes very difficult to make and keep such a friend.

And it makes us ask the question – who, or what, is a real friend in today’s world? What does true friendship look like? What are the characteristics?