Scriptures: Matthew 14:13-21; Isaiah 55:1-5
As I prepared to write this sermon, I looked up some rather disturbing statistics. Did you know that Americans eat 75 acres of pizza, 53 million hot dogs, 167 million eggs, 3 million gallons of ice cream, and 3,000 tons of candy a day?
Yet on the other side of the world, 11.6 million people in the nation of Somalia are at risk of starving to death due to a drought. Across the globe, there are 840 million chronically malnourished people.
The Department of Agriculture in our own country estimates there are 3.8 million families who experience hunger and up to 12 million families concerned about having enough food to feed their families.
Now we know, for a fact, that people go hungry not because there is a lack of food in our world. Yes, Somalia’s famine has been precipitated by a severe drought that has caused their famine.
But here in America – 40-50% of what we harvest each year – NEVER GETS EATEN. That’s half our food supply just being tossed out.